Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Find of a Millennium!

I know I'm not the only nerd in North America. We are proud race, Genius Smartassius, slowly taking back America.
That being said, I think there are other people who could benefit from the site that I found!!

Spoonflower Awesomeness
 My Geek inspired Pinterest board where these are posted, along with other smart people stuffs!

They have a plethora of fabric to make all kind of paraphenerdlia with! Pillows! Capes! Sheets! Dresses! Headbands! Forts! Tardis Pillows! I could go on but I don't want to be redundant.

They have collections for Sherlock Holmes, Star Wars, Doctor Who, as well as Steam Punk, Science, Robots, and Science Fiction! Here are a few examples of the rare gems I unearthed (or...unwebbed?)
The minute I perform my own refash using Spoonflower fabrics, I will be excited to post it on my blog to share the awesomeness!

"Cutesy Sherlock Holmes" by jaana
all the who's down in whoville
"All the who's down in Whoville" by thirdhalfstudios
Vader Black Polka on duckegg fabric by smuk

My favorite: Tardis Pillow Making Kit
VADER polka dot fabric
And if I had a Library in my house, I would have these on the faded leather arm chairs/ chaise lounge:
Police DIY Box Pillow
Madame Fancypantaloons' Instant Library Bindings ~ Blue fabric by peacoquettedesigns 
Isn't this (almost) handier than a Sonic Screwdriver? 
I'm in L-O-V-E with Spoonflower! 
They have all kinds of fancy fabric, not just nerdy stuff, so check them out for your refash projects or for inspiration!!
Follow them on Twitter: @Spoonflower

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